
Discounts and Offers

The Chinese E-commerce market is fragmented due to the presence of multiple platforms. And therefore it is very price competitive in nature and brands need to come out with the right pricing strategy and marketing promotions to entice customers to buy their products.

Most of the platforms center their major discounts offers on 3 key events : 618, Double 11 and CNY. During this time, brands look to maximize their sales volume as these events provide a very strong opportunity to reach out to Billion Plus users in a short time.

As per E-marketer study, China has more than 700 million online buyers which will take the total online transactions close to $4 trillion by 2023.  

MPLIFI platform has considered these nuances and allows brands to create customized membership plans for their users and also gives rules based settings for membership and purchase bonus points allocation and usage deductions for final order payment. Apart from membership plans, merchants can also set specific offers on their specific products or for all products within their store as time based promotional events or as group buying deals.

Within the platform, you can also select specific groups of users as customer segments based on their previous purchasing history to create specific offers. Merchants can also see real time data on which products and offers are performing well so as they can further optimize their marketing strategies.
