merchant merchant Merchant

Discovery, Integration, Growth and Services

All features for online store at affordable pricing


Start from Scratch

Wechat Official Account

Wechat Pay Account

Wechat Mini-Program Design

Douyin Online Store Mini App

KOL Marketing

Product description Localization and Translation

SEO Marketing

Social Ads

Content writing and Marketing


Small business


Unlimited SKU and Orders

1% Transaction fee

5 Users Login account

Wechat Marketplace Listing

Pull Data from Shopify Store

5 Templates for Customization

Basic User Analytics Data

30 Mins Data Refresh

Basic Inventory, Order and Marketing Management

Complimentary On-boarding

Most Popular


Established Brands


Unlimited SKU and Orders

0.5% Transaction fee

Multiple Users Login account

Wechat + Douyin Marketplace Listing

Pull Data from Multiple Stores: Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce

10 Templates for Customization

Custom API Integrations

Real Time Data Refresh

Advanced Inventory, Order, Marketing, Customer Support and User Analytics Management

Dedicated Account Manager

Starter Premium
Negotiated Bulk Shipping Rates
Shipping Integrations Limited Unlimited
Warehouse Integration
Tech Integrations
Marketplace Integrations Wechat Unlimited
Shipping Cart Integrations Shopify Multiple
Themes and Pages Customizations Limited Unlimited
Onboarding and Training
Exclusive Setup and Onboarding One-time Lifetime
Free Personal Training One-time Lifetime
Customer Support
24/7 Phone Support
Dedicated Account Manager
Dedicated Operations Team
E-mail and Chat Support
Inventory Management
Multichannel Stock Control
Multichannel Price Control
Low Stock Alerts
Warehouse Stock Visibility
SKU Unlimited Unlimited
Product Categories Unlimited Unlimited
Product Variant, Attributes, Reviews Unlimited Unlimited
Order Management
Order Status Syncing
Support for Product Queries and Refunds
CRM API Integration
Bulk updates for Orders
Invoice Printing
Order Pick-up and Order Fulfillment Lists
Payment Integrations
Insights, Reports and Order History Basic Advanced With Optimization Recommendations
Marketing Management
Customized Discounts and Offers
Customer Loyalty Programs
Wechat Ads(Banner, Video, Content)
Other Social Platform Ads Management
KOL Marketing
Scheduled Campaigns and Optimization
Ad Insights and Planning Tools
Detailed Customer Segmentation and reports

Less than $1 per day to start your online store. Start today for great results.

Get started now
