
SERVICES - Official Accounts and Mini Programs

From Ideation to Execution to Optimization

MPLIFI works as your extended

team to manage all your

localization and regulation need in China.


Wechat Account Creation

and Mini Programs Approvals


Marketing Strategy


Support & Maintenance


Chinese Localization



Need an extended service team to maximize sales

Language translation to create right product title, description and images to maximize convenience for the shoppers, Creating an official Wechat business account and Wechat Mini Program accounts, Operational and Marketing strategy from competitor analysis, ad budgets, plans for festive offers and promotions, KOL selection and negotiations, post sales customer support and Much more to support China business operations to scale.

Let there be no Language barrier for successful launch and operations

We help at every stage from business operations and provide strategic inputs on localization needs

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Wechat Official Account

Wechat moments ads generate mass audience reach for top of the funnel brand awareness and brand recall strategic goals.


KOL Selection and Contract Negotiation

Influencer marketing strategy to involve online celebrities to do branded promotion and brand conversions through their followers.


Dedicated Account Manager

Publish unique articles for brand messaging, events, special discounts campaigns, flash sales communications and much more through Wechat Official account.


Wechat Mini Program Registration

Show contextual advertising targeting related contents across Wechat user base.


Language Translation and Localization

Benchmark your pricing with competitors to create customized promotions. Manage SKU level marketing campaigns.


Chinese Website, Content Marketing and SEM

Understand customer sentiments in real time to solve customer queries and improve customer satisfaction.

Dedicated Account Manager

24/7 Support to resolve technical issues, customer queries and business account management

We act as on the ground fleet to maximize success of your strategic decisions.

Improving customer satisfaction, optimizing your catalog and product listing at every stage, fixing business issues from payment to order delivery.

Connect with MPLIFI experts, Find answers to all your queries on FAQ section and understand how can you improve more through user guides and Tutorials.



Moment ads and Display ads

MPLIFI is a true SaaS product with Service integrated

Adopt localization as a science than art.

We provide insights on Customer behaviors, social cultural dimensions and purchasing habits to fully support the idea to execution strategy.


Wechat Official Account, KOL Collaboration

Wechat Mini Program requires to have Wechat official account as business owner

We help launch your business quickly by simplifying the Wechat documentation and Process and Wechat and DouYin Mini App development.

We manage the technical and process integration of your Wechat Online Store Mini Program (MP) and your official Wechat business account.

Live-streaming of your products through highly rated and popular influencers requires many groundwork from selection to negotiation to actual sales and performance measurement.


Want to know in details about

how our service team can work with you?


Begin your China e-commerce online store with MPLIFI.

Your advisor, technical integrator, operations team

and customer service under one roof.

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