
Pricing Plans and breakdowns

MPLIFI caters to different sets of customer needs 🥰 🥰.

For direct brands and services, we have the Merchant category and there is another category for Agencies who are managing multiple accounts on behalf of brands and services.

✔ Within Merchant category, we have two plans - 

⭐ Starter plan is for mid to small growing brands and services companies which want to enter into the China market, create brand awareness and generate high purchase intent within their targeted audience segments. It supports existing product catalog migration from Shopify and product listing and complete order management on Wechat Mini Programs.

The starter package costs ONLY $149/Year + 1% transaction cost.

⭐⭐ Premium plan is for established big brands which are looking to increase their market share 📈 ⬆️ in various product categories and also create high brand recall and brand loyalty for their premium suite of products by adopting a 360 degree omni-channel marketing and product distribution strategy. It supports multiple international platforms for product catalog migration to be sell-ready on multiple Chinese e-commerce apps and product listing and order management on multiple seller platforms mainly Wechat Mini Programs, Douyin (Tiktok) and Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book) .

The premium plan costs ONLY $949/Year + 0.5% transaction cost.

Check here for a complete set of features included in Merchant plans.

✔ Within the Agency category, we have a single plan as an ✨ Agency partner Program.

This program allows large agencies to create their own white label solution to serve multiple brands OR use our existing platform to provide in-house services to multiple brands.

The agency partner program costs $3599/Year + 0.5% transaction cost.

Check here for a complete set of features included in the agency partner program.

All plans come with a 14 days money back guarantee 💸 🏦 if MPLIFI does not fulfill our client expectations.

We also have a Do-Services-For-Me (DSFM) plan 👍👍 to provide multiple services like Wechat official account creation, Wechat Payment integration and other translation and marketing localization services

We are a Product tech company 🧑‍💻 but we understand the service related pain points especially for international brands who want to do their business in China and therefore we are also offering these services to minimize the turnaround time and errors to provide the highest quality integrated solution under one platform.
