
Wechat Ads

Marketers are generally looking to show their ads in real time and in sync with the ongoing social trends.

Wechat, a social media app by Tencent, is a leading app in China with 1 Billion+ active users.

There are mainly 3 ways to show ads in the Wechat -

✔ Wechat Moment ads

✔ Wechat Banner Ads

✔ Wechat Mini Program Ads

Wechat moment ads are directly within a user’s social feed, similar to Facebook Feed. This ad placement is therefore very premium as it allows advertisers to reach out to a very targeted audience and also get a high virality due to social sharing.

Wechat banner ads are normally in-article and post-article within the official accounts articles. They are only available to businesses which are registered in China and have regulatory licenses.

Both image and video as ad formats are available and have CPC and CPM ad pricing models.

The minimum ad budget for most of the ads start at 50,000 RMB which is roughly 7000 USD.

Min expected CPC for ads will be 0.5 RMB and 25 RMB ( ~ 3.5 USD) for CPM ads.

Mini program ads are mostly in image ad format and have basic targeting abilities. CPC pricing is very low at 0.5 RMBand offers the advertiser to direct the users to their Mini program page once user clicks on the ad.
